2014-2015 Mentor Chad Ikeda

Chad Ikeda

Hello there!  My name is Chad Ikeda and I am a Senior double-majoring in Microbiology and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology.  Basically all those words mean I like learning about the science of tiny little living things!  I come from an island called Maui in the state of Hawaii a couple thousands of miles away but have been living in Seattle the past few years while attending the wonderful University of Washington.  Many moons ago, I was a leader in this program during my sophomore year, and (without exaggeration) it was one of the best decisions I’ve made at the UW.  Being surrounded by an awesome community of motivated leaders inspired me to get more involved.  Following this, I became a UW Campus Tour Guide, a FIG Leader (going into my second year, now team-teaching with our radiant director, Savannah), and an Orientation Leader (two summers ago, sophomores may or may not recall me getting my stuff stolen and farting in the skits) as well as pursuing opportunities in Immunology and Virology Research.  Aside from academics and involvement I am also a fan of playing a bunch of music, Netflix-ing and eating various types of cheese.  Can’t wait to meet all you new leaders and have an awesome yeeeeeeeeaaarrr!!