[Mentor Team] Evelyn Jensen, Senior

Hello human beings! My name is Evelyn Jensen, and I am a senior majoring in English language & literature. I’ve been involved in UW Leaders since I was a freshman; I applied to the program 3 years ago, went through as a leader, spent two amazing years mentoring wonderful leaders, and now I’m incredibly lucky to serve as your program director this coming year. It’s safe to say that my college involvement experience has come full circle! That being said, UWL has a very special place in my heart, so I am extremely excited for what lies ahead.

I grew up in Minneapolis, MN and came to the UW in 2009, ready to get involved. I started off in UWL as I said, and from there I quickly became involved in the Husky Pride Fund, Green Dot, Publicity & Programming committee, as well as ASUW Elections, working with the EAC, helping out with campaigns, and even running for director of programming one year. Outside of ASUW, I’ve been involved in The Daily, working as a copy editor, as well as working closely with Seattle Parks Foundation and Green Seattle to put on community service projects.

This year, I’m obviously working with UW Leaders and will be serving as the design editor for Bricolage, UW’s literary arts journal (which takes student submissions for art and writing, so come chat with me if you have a creative mind!). As for outside of school, I love love love any and all things musical, so if you play an instrument or can’t leave home without your headphones, we’ll definitely get along. I love making people laugh, reading/writing, watching hilarious TV (i.e., Parks & Rec, 30 Rock, Workaholics, Adventure Time, Arrested Development, The Office, etc.) and being outside in the beautiful Northwest air.

As I said before, I’m so excited for this year. UW Leaders is a life-changing program for a lot of people and the community we build each year is incredible. The amount of passionate, hard-working, and caring individuals we bring about is inspiring, so I’m definitely looking forward to getting to know a fresh group of eager students. Can’t wait to meet you all!