[Mentor Team] Karthika Appiah, Senior

Hallo there! My name is Karthika Appiah and I am going into my senior year majoring in Marketing and Human Resources. Since this summer, I have been interning with Amazon and am excited to start the school year as UW’s Prezi Ambassador. For the past three years, I have also been an avid dancer on Natya, UW’s premiere Indian classical dance team, and been involved with UW Leaders as a leader and mentor. At my time at UW, I’ve also been an intern with ChemPoint, and very involved with ASUW through ASUW Ambassadors, working as anĀ AdministrativeĀ Assistant, and serving on several committees. I’m really excited for my last year at UW as well as UW Leaders since it’s been my source of inspiration and support every year since I’ve joined UW. Can’t wait! šŸ™‚