(2013-2014 Mentor) Rosie Morrow-Okon

Rosie Morrow-Okon

Hey there, my name is Rosie – welcome to my mentor biography. I’m a senior from the beautiful forest-covered slopes of Bellingham, WA, my favorite place on earth next to the UW campus. (One time I met Ryan Stiles at Woods Coffee. It was chall.) I have a tendency to be interested and involved in just about everything, so when I’m not studying in Suzzallo – which is rare, but it does happen – I am usually doing global health research, guiding a tour, or working in ASUW as the current Student Health Consortium director. And of course, making time for my UWL family! When I was struggling to balance academic and extracurricular engagements at the beginning of my sophomore year, this program came to the rescue by providing an incredible community of uplifting, inspiring people to befriend and guide me. As we encouraged one another, we learned from the diversity and strength of our quirky little community; we grew into better leaders and became more involved as we embraced what made us all excited to jump out of bed in the morning. This program, and more importantly, the network of bright and talented young people it is comprised of, has irrevocably strengthened my character and changed my university experience. I continued the journey as a mentor last year, and am so happy to return the second time running! Walking into every meeting is like coming home, except with lots of screaming, and the tendency to lose sight of people beneath arms and legs protruding from massive group hugs. Understatement of a lifetime, but I’ll say it anyway – I can’t wait to get started!