2014-2015 Mentor Elizabeth Pring

Elizabeth Pring

Hello, huskies! My name is Elizabeth Pring. I’m a junior double majoring in Political Science and Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies. Raised in the ever so hip Vancouver, Washington aka “The Couve,” I was pretty active in clubs throughout high school. Once I came to UW, that burning desire never really faded!

My first year, I was involved with the Young Democrats at the UW and this was an outlet for becoming more involved with ASUW. I explored my first year discovering communities that fit my interests and passions, and those that did not. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my involvement with KhSA (Khmer Student Association), other entities within ASUW (Elections Administration Committee and Asian Student Commission), and my appointment as the ASUW rep for the Provost Advisory Committee. As an intern my past year for ASUW’s Women’s Action Commission, one of the eight diversity commissions within ASUW, I was honored to be hired this year as the 2014-2015 director. Cheers to empowerment and advocacy efforts! 🙂

I held an on campus job as the marketing and communications student assistant for the College of Arts & Sciences for my first two years. Absolutely loved it! Through this I was exposed to a little known fellowship within the College. I joined the C21 fellowship my sophomore year and it has been one of my most rewarding college experiences I’ve had! I became actively involved in a close knit academic community of administrators and peers that challenged me to redefine what I wanted my education and learning to be. This past summer, I was fortunate enough to study abroad with said fellowship to Leon, Spain performing radical educational practices and soon after did field research on public health and race in London, England for a month. This year, I’ll be researching and writing my thesis through the departmental political science honors program. I hope that my love for policy and race relations discourse will culminate into a a pretty rad thesis! I care a great deal for social justice and socially conscious causes and hope to live my life more mindfully and proactively.

Though I play rugby with the UW Women’s Rugby team, I’m only really competitive at 2 things: badminton and charades. Sriracha is the only flavor I care about. Denim on denim….. on denim is never a fashion faux pas. Oh! And Leslie Knope is my sloth. Stop by my office in HUB 131R where I’ll be chatting with great people (aka you) and sipping on some rooibos tea.