2014-2015 Mentor Leah Litwak

Leah Litwak

Hey Friends! My name is Leah, and I am currently a Junior majoring in Environmental Studies with a minor in Nutritional Sciences.  On campus you can usually find me giving tours to future Huskies, volunteering at the UW Farm, teaching my FIG, or hanging out with all the incredible people of the UWL community.


Outside of school I work for a farm where I sell delicious fruits and veggies at farmer’s markets in the various Seattle neighborhoods. Through these experiences I have developed a pretty big interest in food whether it may be growing it, talking about it, cooking it, or eating it (especially eating it…Yelp-ing restaurants is my favorite way to procrastinate).


In my spare time I love to bake, read, knit, peruse through museums, listen to NPR, and jam out to show tunes (Yes, I’m aware I have the interests of a senior citizen).


Joining UW Leaders my Sophomore year dramatically influenced my UW experience for the better, and helped me carve out a little piece out of this campus to call my own.  I am ecstatic to return as a mentor for this school year and be apart of this incredible community once again! Stay peachy!