Mentor Cassie McMaster, 2016-2017

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Hello, Hello! My name is Cassie McMaster and I am a senior studying Political Science and International Studies. I began my involvement with UW Leaders as a leader my freshmen year, and have had the privilege of serving as a mentor for the previous two years.

Throughout my time on campus I have been involved in numerous ways. I began my involvement with the ASUW my freshmen year as a senator, and an ASUW Ambassador, and had the privilege of serving as the ASUW Office of Volunteer Opportunities Assistant Director and Director the following years. Within my major, I co-founded a student organization and am a member of the Honors Program.

I am a proud feminist and political nerd, which has driven my interest in women’s policy issues. I have had the privilege of interning for Senator Patty Murray in Washington, DC, where I researched legislation related to gender violence on college campuses. Additionally, my interest in women’s issues brought me to Amsterdam this past summer where I studied sex work legislation, and then later, back to DC, where I worked for the National Women’s Law Center. In Seattle, I am conducting research on campus sexual assault, and I work with a sexual assault resource center at the Seattle courthouse.  So if you’re on the lookout for some discussions about lady bosses, I got you!

Outside of campus, you’ll find me drinking pots of coffee throughout Seattle, crafting cheese boards, obsessing over Abraham Lincoln, and busting out some really bad dance moves. I am so thrilled to be back in the program for a final year, and cannot wait for all of the marvelous adventures to come!